Do you need help with your tax return? If you have a modest income and a simple tax situation, we may be able to do your taxes for free.
The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program has been in place since 1971, representing a long-standing collaboration between the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and community organizations along with their volunteers. At Lake Country Health, we operate a free tax clinic for the CRA.
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to be eligible to get your tax done for free, individuals must have a modest income and a simple tax situation.
This may include:
adults 65 years and older
housing-insecure individuals
Indigenous Peoples
modest-income individuals
persons with disabilities
students and youth
What is a Modest Income ?
The following break down provides a guideline to determine what is considered a modest income. In general, a modest income means the total family income is less than or equal to the amount shown in the chart below, based on the size of the family.
Family size Total family income
1 person = $35,000
2 people = $45,000
3 people = $47,500
4 people = $50,000
5 people = $52,500
More than 5 people $52,500, plus $2,500 for each additional person
What is Simple Tax Situation?
In general, a tax situation is simple if an individual has no income or if their income comes from these sources:
benefits, such as the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, disability insurance, employment insurance, and social assistance
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, or grants
interest (under $1,000)
What is not a Simple Tax Situation?
we do not provide training or support for complex tax situations. Volunteers will not complete returns with the following:
self-employment income or employment expenses *
business income and expenses
rental income and expenses
interest income over $1,000
capital gains or losses
bankruptcy in the tax year (or the year before, if that return has not yet been filed)
deceased person
foreign property (T1135)
foreign income ** Individuals who receive U.S. Social Security benefits are eligible to have their tax return completed . Any other type of foreign income (including a foreign pension) would not be considered a simple tax situation.
Volunteers are not expected to answer complex tax questions. If a taxpayer needs information that is beyond the volunteer’s expertise, they should go to canada.ca/taxes or call 1-800-959-8281.